Colors can often vary between different monitors and frequently even more so between what you see on your monitor and what you see when you print on different printers.
To help make sure you like the colors as they will actually print on your home printer, I’ve created swatches which you can download and test print before buying any of my printables.
Keep in mind that a lot of variables can affect the colors. It’s recommended that you do your test print on the same paper you wish to use for your final print and to make sure that you set your printer settings for that kind of paper (i.e. glossy, matte). And for optimum results, use the “best/highest” quality setting on your printer.
#001-#006Designs #001-#006 are all available in the same 9 colors. |
#007-#008Designs #007-#008 are both available in the same 4 color combinations. |
#009-#010Designs #009-#010 are both available in the same 5 color combinations. |
#011Design #011 is available in 5 color combinations. |
#012Design #012 is available in 5 color combinations. |
#013Design #013 is available in 4 color combinations. |
#014Design #014 is available in 4 color combinations. |
#015Design #015 is available in 5 colors. |
#016Design #016 is available in 2 color combinations. |
#017Design #017 is available in 2 color combinations. |
#019, #020, #021Designs in the series #019, #020, #021 are available in one color each to mix and match. |